Color Psychology: How Color Affects the Mood of the Room

You have probably heard of the phrase, ‘show me your friends; I will tell you who you are.’ It tells us that our characters depend on who we hang out with. That is how we are perceived; we are judged according to the company we keep. Our friends have the ability to positively mold us or completely destroy our characters. The same applies to colors. The colors that surround us can determine our moods.


A color can either lift our spirits or completely eat us within like a corrosive acid. Our current moods play a significant role in this. Are you anxious, depressed or angry? If so, it might not be a good idea being in a room with yellow walls. The color yellow can make people angry. The best place you can be in during such a condition is in a blue room. Scientists agree that color blue has a calming and therapeutic effect on our minds.

Psychological Properties of Color

So we appreciate colors affect the mood of a room. Let’s delve a little deeper into color psychology. When you are good in color psychology, you will have no difficulty determining what color to paint a room. Getting to know the four primary colors (of color psychology) will help you blend in other colors into a room comfortably and effortlessly. Let’s first discuss these key colors and their effects before moving on to a few ‘adventurous’ colors. The following are four primary colors of psychology: Red, Green, Yellow and Blue.



Red is among the dark colors. It is a powerful color that represents our attributes and physical assets. Having your home painted red shows that you are self-driven and passionate. It also shows that you are a warm person who is always ready to face the world. It portrays you as an embracing person. Although the color seems alive and friendly, it can also be perceived as demanding and aggressive which means that someone like a therapist should not consider painting office walls red. Childrens’ rooms should not be painted red.



Color psychology suggests that blue is the color of intellect, it’s the color of the mind. It is among the cool colors which offer a calming effect and is conducive for aiding in concentration. People in blue rooms think with clarity for they have a clear mind. At home, the color blue is best suited for bedrooms, offices and study rooms. People with blue houses view their homes as a safe place secure from the hectic demands of the world. Be careful and avoid shades of blue such as navy blue. Navy blue tends to inhibit communication which means that you should avoid painting your dining areas and living room with this color.



In color psychology, green is considered as a neutral color, a color of balance. Painting your walls green portrays you as a humble, practical person who maintains balance in your daily life activities. It shows that you enjoy helping others and that you are reliable. Color green promotes activities like yoga or reading. Consider painting your study room or the room where you partake in yoga green.



Psychologically, yellow is considered the strongest color. It displays boldness and confidence. Painting a room or a house in a good shade of yellow improves an occupant’s self-esteem and at the same time, lifts their spirits. It is best suited for kitchens, dining rooms or bathrooms. Imagine where you sing your heart out while taking a shower. However, it is terrible decision making yellow the main point of attraction in interior decoration for people easily fly off the handle in yellow dominated spaces.



Unlike green, yellow, blue and red, orange is not considered as a primary color in color psychology. It is best suited for the living room for it helps in your emotional and physical well-being. Color orange shows that you are a friendly and nurturing person. If it blends well with the surroundings of your home, it is a perfect choice for exterior painting for it shows that you are a welcoming person. Orange inspires activity. As such, avoid painting rooms like the bedroom orange. Rooms set aside for relaxation should also not be painted orange. Consider painting orange on rooms like the living room.



Grey represents people who like to impress but not in a showy manner. It shows that a person loves directions and order in their lives. A grey decorator has his or her house accurately planned down to the last details. Color grey shows that you are in control and independent in any situation you find yourself. Using grey for your interior or exterior walls requires caution because if it is slightly overdone, it may portray a lack of confidence. Color grey blends perfectly in most living rooms. Do not paint grey in your kitchen or dining area for it dampens appetite.



Violet or purple takes your awareness to higher levels. If you fancy sweet lavender or deep purple, you must be a great decorator who embraces a little adventure. Color purple creates deep feelings of intimacy. This color is best suited for bedrooms.


When you are ready to paint your home you’ve already given consideration to choosing the right colors and placement. Make sure the execution of the work is done flawlessly. Then you will have a beautiful space that makes you feel at home. Trust your home to C.E.T. Painting  and we will treat your home with the utmost respect. You can have the peace of mind with our “no hassle”, 2-year warranty.  Give us a call to schedule an appointment for an estimate (914) 615-1415 or visit our website.

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