windows installation

What You Should Know When Hiring A Windows Installer In Westchester County

What You Should Know When Hiring A Windows Installer In Westchester County

If you want to update the look of your home inside and out, replacing your windows is a great option. Windows affect the feel of interior rooms, while also beautifying the exterior. In addition, new windows often have much better insulation than older windows, improving your energy efficiency. The right Westchester County windows installer can do a lot of good for your home, without breaking your budget.

There’s a lot to consider when replacing windows, and it’s a good idea to select a quality windows installer early on, to help in making decisions. However, these are some of the most important factors you’ll want to think about before and after hiring a contractor.

Crucial Considerations When Replacing Your Windows

1 – Budget

There’s no quick and easy way to know how much a window replacement job will cost, because there are a lot of variables – including the number of new windows, the cost of the windows, and how much work it will be to remove your existing windows. So, it’s better to start out the project by having a budget in mind. Assume it will be a few hundred at a minimum, but the work can largely be adapted to fit your budget and overall needs.

It’s also a good idea to hold back a little money in reserve, just in case unexpected issues crop up. So, for example, if your overall budget is $1,000, plan for an $800-$900 job. Then you have a cushion if something goes wrong.

2 – Style and materials

Windows should always complement and accentuate your existing home design, which can occasionally be tricky if your interior and exterior have different design choices. Your new windows should work aesthetically both inside and out. Fortunately, any good windows installer in Westchester County will have plenty of samples and can probably give you a loaner frame if you want to see what it looks like in context.

Don’t forget about changes in the time of day, as well. Much as with house painting, it’s a good idea to consider what your new windows will look like as the sun moves across the sky.

3 – Energy efficient technology

While you can install old-style windows made of a single pane of glass or composite, you’ll get better results if you incorporate more modern window technology. For example, thermal windows (AKA Insulated Glass Units or IGU) feature two or three panes of glass, with a layer of a harmless inert gas such as argon in between the panes. These windows cost more, but offer substantially better insulation, as well as being better at soundproofing. They may even pay for themselves in time by lowering your electrical bills.

Given that you’ll likely have your windows for many years to come, it’s worth spending a little extra to buy windows that will ‘give back’ over time.

4 – Get quotes from multiple contractors

We like to think we offer the best window installations in Westchester County, but we’re far from the only choice – and a smart homeowner will always get multiple bids and quotes before settling on window installer. The best bet is to pick one of the bids in the middle. You don’t want to lowball your windows, but it’s easy for less-scrupulous windows installers to overcharge on materials or labor costs.

Also, look for detailed estimates. The more detail the contractor puts into their bid, the more likely they are to arrive at a final price that’s close to the estimate. Quotes that lack specifics, such as costs for labor and materials, are likely to end up padded by the end.

5 – Reduce costs by preparing ahead of time

Construction contractors are typically paid by the man-hour, so if you can make their lives easier, you’ll save some money in the end. Be sure the area around your windows are clear of any obstructions – both inside and out – with any vulnerable items moved far away from the work. In particular, the contractors should have a clear route from your street or driveway to the windows being replaced.

Also, take steps to keep any children or pets away from the workers. Consider sending them to a friend’s house for the day, while the work is done. Everyone will be happier that way, and there will be fewer disruptions.

Westchester County Trusts C.E.T. Painting

C.E.T. Painting is fully licensed, certified, and insured, so you know you can always feel safe allowing us to work on your property. For years, we’ve been providing excellent results across Westchester County – just look at our portfolio to see past examples of our work.

Then contact us for a free consultation and estimate on your windows installation!

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