Modern Office Painting

What Modern Office Painting Trends Are Hot in 2024?

It’s important to maintain the look and feel of your office over the years, and not allow your ‘look’ to become stale. An office with a modern look will impress guests and visitors, as well as being a space that your workforce will enjoy – increasing morale. Sometimes, your color and decoration choices can even affect the psychology of the people in your building.

So before you hire commercial painters for your office space, it’s a good idea to look into modern office painting trends. They’re constantly changing, of course, but these are the trends we’re seeing for 2024 and beyond.

2024 Modern Office Painting Trends

1 – Utilizing eco-friendly low-VOC paints

People in recent years have become aware that many paints aren’t particularly ‘green,’ being full of chemicals which can seep into the ground or make their way into the water system. Worse, many of these chemicals are Volatile Organic Compounds – VOCs – which give off chemical fumes which can be dangerous, particularly to people with respiratory issues.

So, many businesses are now switching to low-VOC paints. They work just as well as normal paint, and they don’t give off any unpleasant odors either!

2 – Custom murals

People – both visitors and workers – are getting tired of bland, sterile office environments. One of the best ways to spice up an office space is with some custom murals or similar wall-sized art installations. These could be placed in the foyer, hallways, major conference rooms, and more. They’ll catch people’s eye and ensure that you stand out among the bland grey or beige offices of the world.

Find Westchester commercial painters with a true artist’s touch, and you could have your own unique art right on your walls.

3 – Decluttering

Modern smart devices allow your standard office fixtures to be more minimal than ever before, especially when they rely on wireless communications or power transmission. Offices seeking a tech-forward or highly modern look are cutting down on clutter, removing or hiding wires, and generally trying to present a sleek minimalist look. This is typically paired with a similarly minimalist paint job which puts focus on the people in the room, not the stuff.

4 – Utilize color psychology

Color psychology is a very real thing. People do have different emotional responses to rooms painted strongly in different colors. For example, red rooms should be avoided, as they tend to be ‘triggering’ and encourage strong emotions. On the other hand, cooler colors like green or blue are great for keeping people calm, while yellow is pleasantly energetic without the negative undertones of red.

Professional office painters know how color psychology can affect a room and will be happy to advise you on the best colors for any effect you want to achieve.

C.E.T. Painting are your master commercial painters for office spaces in Westchester County and the surrounding areas. If it’s time for your office to get an update, we offer great work at highly competitive prices. Please contact us for a free estimate.

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